Friday, March 13, 2009

are more coming?

I had a very difficult conversation with one of the neighbor boys a few days ago. We had been talking about the school system here, and his classes, and what he hoped to do after he finishes school, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, he said "when you go back to america, you will not remember our people anymore." I, of course, let him know that wasn't true, but he proceeded to tell me how other people "like me" had come and left and were never heard from again. Throughout the country's history, many many missionaries of all different denominations have come and gone, but none seem to have stayed long enough to really train or disciple anyone, which is the reason why it seems everyone's doctrine here today is so off.
Then he asked me a very simple but piercing question: "when you are gone, will others come?" I gave him the only answer I have, that I honestly don't know what will happen when I leave. I hope and I pray that when I am gone, others will come, and that they will stay and really teach these people, but if i am being honest, I really don't know. Perhaps by reading this, you yourself will be inspired to come, or to help send someone else. But only the Lord knows for sure, and it is my prayer that he would place a burden in people's hearts for this nation.

The more time I spend here, the more I realize just how hungry the people are. Hungry for hope. Hungry for peace. Hungry for truth. Hungry for things that only God can provide, and they need someone to show them that. One of the ladies, who typically is unable to come to any swervices we have outside of Sunday morning (and she oftentimes misses that, because she has to sell in the market), told us that she really wants to learn more Bible. Both of her sons recently accepted Christ, and were baptized in our service at the beach, which has really piqued her interest. So, in order to better reach out to her and the other many women who don't normally make it to the church services or Bible studies, we have decided to start a "market ministry." Hopefully starting next week, we will be going down to the market sometime in the afternoon when they have less business, and start a women's Bible study. Please pray for this new ministry, that the women would be interested, and that their hearts would be open to the gospel. Also pray that we will have a good interpreter, as many of the women do not speak much English. As always, your prayers are much needed and deeply appreciated.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." ~Matthew 9:38

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